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Run Docker like a Pro

Docker is a popular platform for building and running containerized applications. It provides a way to package and deploy applications in a portable and efficient manner. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to install and use Docker for Windows on Windows 11.

Double-click the downloaded installer to start the installation process. Follow the prompts to install Docker for Windows. During the installation, you’ll be prompted to enable Hyper-V and Windows Containers features, which are required for Docker to run.

After the installation is complete, Docker for Windows will start automatically. You can access the Docker Dashboard by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray.

By default, Docker for Windows is configured to use the Linux container mode. If you want to use Windows containers instead, you can switch to Windows container mode by right-clicking the Docker icon in the system tray, selecting “Switch to Windows containers”, and then restarting Docker.

Now that Docker is installed and configured, you can build and run your first container.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully built and run your first Docker container on Windows 11! You can remove nginx as this was just to show you how to deploy a container.

Docker provides a rich set of commands and features for building and managing containers. Here are some useful commands to get started:

There are also many other Docker commands and features to explore, such as Docker Compose for managing multi-container applications.

Docker for Windows is a powerful tool for building and running containerized applications on Windows 11. With this guide, you should now be able to install and use Docker for Windows, build and run your first container, and explore some of the advanced features of Docker. Happy containerizing!

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